Arteta explains what he wants from Arsenal

Mikel Arteta has explained what he wants from Arsenal.

He was quoted as saying: “I will be in the stands tomorrow [Saturday] at Everton.

“I want you to know that I will be watching your attitude, your efforts, your body language.

“I will see what you do when we lose the ball, what your attitude is. Also, what you do when we have the ball.”

He said: ”I think they’ve made the right decision. I’m really delighted and excited by the decision.

“I do think Arsenal need this kind of coach in the situation, who is going to kick a few backsides, is going to be clear and concise about what he wants from the players and the team.

“His main body of work will be on the training ground, and that’s where he excels I think. It’s a bold call, but I think it’s the right call.

“First of all he needs to pick the players he thinks he can get a tune out of, and I think he’ll be ruthless in that regard, and he won’t be bothered about reputations and who is earning what.

“Longer-term he will want to weed out those who he thinks aren’t the right sort. I think there are a few in that Arsenal dressing room who don’t have the right attitude.

“I think we’ll quickly see his influence on a match day, I’d expect to see a bit more organisation, and we’ll see what he’s trying to do with the team. It’s a calculated gamble, but I do think he’ll go on to become a top manager. If it wasn’t with Arsenal, they’d be kicking themselves.

“I think he’s got the presence and authority to go into that dressing room and command respect. The club have aimlessly drifted over the last few years, but I think they’ll be looking forward now.

“Success come May is not so much about the league placing – I can’t see them getting into the top four – so he has some months to work on the performance and team shape. It’s about getting his philosophy across from now until May.”

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