Declan Rice responds to James McClean’s 'overrated' claims

Declan Rice and James McClean played for Ireland together.

Arsenal midfielder Declan Rice is currently playing for England in Euro 2024. He finally speaks on the criticism by Irish star James McClean who called him overrated.

The former West Ham star says criticism aimed at him from James McClean could be because of bitterness from his decision to switch allegiances to England.

Wrexham footballer played with Rice for Ireland before the Arsenal man chose to play for England instead. He made the comments while as a pundit for RTE, calling him “overrated” and “not world class”.

The 25-year-old responds in style: “Do you know what? I played with James for Ireland for three games and I got on with him really well.

“I am not going to sit here and slag him off. I thought he was a really top guy. When I left Ireland to come to England, I heard a few things he was obviously not happy about. He made comments a few years ago.

“It is what it is. I am not going to sit here and say anything about him. He’s had a great career himself – I think he is coming to the end of his career now and he’s got over a hundred caps for Ireland.

“It would be easy for me to sit here and say something back to him but, like I said, we are at opposite ends of our careers now – he’s 35 and I’m 25.

“I’ve known him, I’ve played with him, he’s entitled to his opinion and I’ve had to fight a load of those opinions from other people before.

“It might be a bit of bitterness towards me not playing for Ireland but I’ve not got a bad word to say about him, to be honest. I see the comments but I don’t try to put too much energy into it.

“It is what it is and you move on. You live and learn.”

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