Why Arsenal need Wenger back now

The situation around the world is one of a global pandemic right now.

Europe is one of the worst hit places with a financial crisis the next big looming danger. Football clubs in England are facing financial distress with matches suspended. Arsenal who were already struggling to balance their books due to their over-inflated wages, have now hit rock bottom.

They recently got into a serious tussle with their players over a wage cuts. Wage cuts may be normal in this situation but there were doubts raised when Arsenal declared they will be implementing it not for the recent future but for one full year. Moreover, their wage cuts were reversely proportional to their performances and results – determining if they can make it into Europe or the Champions League. 

The situation around the club is clear. They are in a financial war which they are not hoping to win but trying their best to minimise the damage. A man who would know a thing or two about this situation would be Arsene Wenger.

In a transfer market inflated with player transfer fees and wages, Wenger managed one of the top clubs in the world for over two decades and made their status more permanent at the top without a scratch on the board’s financial status. His economical and finance sense was in such perfect disposition that he also oversaw the departure from highbury and building of one of the first modern stadiums in the Emirates while at the same time competing for titles. 

Players were sold, not replaces, wages were low, revenue was high – how did Wenger do it? 

Only he knows and maybe it is time to ask him again. Get him back or Kroenke might ruin the last of us and leave on his yacht for America. 

See More: Longest-Serving Arsenal Managers Of All-Time